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Create an ornate pendant drop that is very lightweight but full of detail and textures.

A lace pom pom ball is enclosed between large petal Shrinkets beads. One of these beads will have beaded tips on three petals.

The pendant hangs on a beautiful hand-dyed silk ribbon and the end drop is a  pale violet pink. 

The kit includes a large domed mold to make the large beads.


Choose -

Pom Pom color





Items you need to supply  

*Craft Heat Gun 

*Shrinkets Fluted Spacer Bead Mold

*Beading Needle #10 

*Colored pencils or fine-tip markers in magenta or deep pink 

*Shimmer spray/ mist sold on this site -


* Krylon Opal Shimmer Spray 

Desert Rain Shrinkets online class and kit

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