Buzzing Along- An online class available 24 /7. Create a mixed media assemblage bird with wheels. Explore different mixed media techniques in the class. Working with lead-free 100% embossing pewter, metal darkening patina solutions, shrink plastic bead making and assembling techniques
Please note that carved bird styles may vary in shape and size.
Kit contents
*Embossing Lead-Free Pewter
*Sticky Glue Sheets
*Embossing Stick
*Steel Wool
*Hand Carved Wood Bird
*Shrink Plastic Shapes.
*Vintage Ruler Print Outs
*Stylist Tool
Link and password to class
What you need to supply
*Shrinkets Molds; Green Fluted Spacer Pink Bezel
*Heat Gun
*Latex Gloves
*Colored Pencils
*Optional black ink pad to darken edge of wings
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