McGill 2-inch reach hand punch.
Choose from 3 sizes
1/16 -shrinks to 1/32 creates a snug fit on the glide pin.
1/8 - shrinks to 1/16 this is the most versatile
1/4 shrinks to 1/8 great for stringing on larger cord and for making (3 part ) round beads
These hole punches are perfect for creating center holes in Shrinkets beads when using the Shrinkets molds with the metal glide pin.
*The 1/16" size hole is not suitable for free- forming Shrinkets as the hole will close up when shrunk if the glide pin is not in the hole to keep it open while shrinking down shapes . The 1/8" and 1/4" can be used when free form beads.
If you have issues with a tight hole use the screw bead reamer to open the hole after you have shrunk the bead.
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