Final Step The Sun Catcher
It is the end of the week and look what we did. The Sun Catcher is done. Thanks so much for watching I would love for you to sign up...
Step 4 The Sun Catcher
Step four of my free Shrinkets class . Companion Kit Is for sale in the SHRINKETS shop It come with the new Shrinkets Fluted Spacer...
Step 3 The Sun Catcher
This is step 3 of my free SHRINKETS class"The Sun Catcher ". To Purchase the companion kit visit the SHRINKETS shop
Free class Step 1
Announcing the release of my new Fluted Spacer SHRINKETS bead mold. To celebrate I am offering a FREE CLASS "The Sun Catcher " Each...
Opulent Shrink plastic
Do you want to learn how to use the opulent shrink plastic which is an exclusively unique product of my SHRINKETS line and sold in my...
Free Frame
This free tutorial takes you through the steps of making a fancy frame by using an inexpensive craft store frame. It is perfect for ...
Bottle doll
Free how to make a bottle doll using paper clay, a vintage bottle lace, small toy wheels etc. Visit my Etsy Shop bisbeebliss to...